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[OBS NEWS] ‘K Innovation Startup’ recognized by CES

[Source] OBS News 07.01.2023 19:54 article

‘K Innovation Startup’ recognized by CES

Many of our sprout companies that participated in this CES received innovation awards from the organizers.

One company won three awards, including the Best Innovation Award in the field of cyber security, with a voting system using blockchain.

[Kim Ji-hye / Chief Technology Officer of zkrypto: Our voting system provides public verification of voting and counting while protecting privacy... .]

The government and related organizations will do their best to help these young companies with potential grow.

[Choi Young-jae / Head of Industrial Policy Research Team, Korea Trade Insurance Corporation: We will actively discover Korean SMEs and start-ups with technological competitiveness to seize opportunities for growth and actively support them so that they can stably enter overseas markets.]

Sprout companies recognized by the world are providing a ray of hope for our economy facing various difficulties.

This is OBS News Choi Han-seong from Las Vegas, USA.

<Video coverage: Yoo Seung-hwan / Video editing: Lee Hyeon-jeong>

Source: OBS Gyeongin TV (

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