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[Electronic Newspaper] STO and Digital Wallet Market entry into the STO and Digital Wallet

[Source] 15.03.2023 Electronic Newspaper

STO and Digital Wallet Market into zero-knowledge proof Technology

Zkrypto will enter the domestic token securities (STO) and digital walllet markets.

On the 15th, Oh Hyun -ok, CEO of Zkrypto (Professor Hanyang University), needs to implement both user privacy protection and the anti -laundry function required by the financial authorities to implement a smooth STO. It was revealed.

Zkrypto received attention at CES 2023 for innovation award for the public blockchain -based online voting application (app). The prooftes of giant knowledge applied to zK Voting are a technology that can protect voters' identity and voting contents, while proving voting operation and whether voters participate in actual voting.

In the global market, zero-knowledge proof technology is emerging as a new alternative in STO and digital wallets. This is because it can meet both 'user privacy protection' and 'anti -money laundering' functions that have been pointed out as a public and private blockchain technology limit.

Public blockchain has the advantage of blockchain's unique decentralization, but the disadvantage is that privacy protection is weak because you can look into user token transaction history and holding status. It is a structure that other people can see how individuals or companies have traded token securities.

To compensate for these shortcomings, financial authorities are promoting the introduction of private blockchain or consortium -type blockchain in STO.

In particular, the industry has been raised in the industry that it is difficult to secure platform scalability later. There is no choice but to lead to the leading initiative between the blockchain platform.

Oh Hyun -ok, CEO of Zkrypto, said, “Blockchain has been pointed out as a limit to the problem of lower security when you increase convenience and less security.” It is a proof that you can catch both rabbits. ”

Oh explained that existing virtual asset exchanges can also be used to use zero-knowledge proof technology to strengthen internal control.

Representative Oh said, “It is a homework that has been raised steadily to prove whether the exchange has actual funds or to prevent individual users' attempts to launder.” Said.

Zkrypto plans to derive various collaboration cases in the STO and digital wallet markets with Azeroth, a digital asset trading wallet app that supports anonymity and audit function based on the certificate of golden knowledge. Recently, Kim Bong -gyu, head of R & D Center, NH Nonghyup Bank, has been accelerating external cooperation and expanding business.

Bae Okjin

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