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[Chosun Ilbo]Oh Hyun-ok, CEO of zkrypto, “Blockchain voting will change future politics”

[Source] 2023.03.08 08:45 Chosun Ilbo

Inquiry from the US government, demonstration in front of Mr... Blockchain system to block the source of fraudulent voting

A global start-up ⑦ Oh Hyun-ok, CEO of ‘zkrypto’

[Original article]

zkrypto co-founder Oh Hyun-ok (right) and Director Kim Ji-hye are explaining the company's online voting system at the office in Hanyang University on the 17th of last month. The two said, “It is a technology that allows voters to cast their ballot safely with their mobile phones.” /Reporter Kim Ji-ho

“At the CES (Consumer Electronics Show) held in Las Vegas last January, it was selected as a ‘technology to achieve democracy’ and people came to the exhibition without even having time to eat. Even after the exhibition, officials from US broadcasting companies asked to meet, so the plan to have a meal at a restaurant in Las Vegas was canceled (laughs)” (Kim Ji-hye, Chief Technical Director of zkrypto)

On January 5 (local time), senior vice president of the Consumer Technology Association, which hosts CES, the world's largest information technology (IT) exhibition, held in Las Vegas, USA, Kinsey Fabrizio, senior vice president of the Korean startup zkrypto, said, “ It is one of the three technologies that will solve the problems facing mankind.” zkrypto is a blockchain startup co-founded by Professor Oh Hyun-ok of the Department of Information Systems at Hanyang University and Professor Ji-Hye Kim of the Department of Electronic Engineering at Kookmin University. are doing GK Boating, promoted by Vice President Fabrizio, won the Best Innovation Award at CES, and CEO Oh demonstrated this technology last month at a meeting with President Yoon Seok-yeol of startup officials.

Professor Oh and Professor Kim, who are senior and junior in the Department of Computer Engineering at Seoul National University, are the CEO and chief technical director of zkrypto, respectively. After studying cryptography together for the past eight years, they started a business two years ago with the idea of applying blockchain technology to voting. Director Kim said, “The zero (0) knowledge proof we studied is a technology that proves the validity of the content without revealing the content. I thought it was technology,” he said. For example, assuming that 100 voters voted, everyone can confirm that they voted from number 1 to number 100, so fraudulent voting or duplicate voting can be fundamentally prevented. Of course, it is not revealed who took the picture. In addition, it is explained that manipulation of voting results is impossible because the voting results can be checked immediately if someone tries to change or remove them.

President Yoon Seok-yeol is listening to an explanation of an online voting application (app) that uses blockchain technology from CEO Oh Hyun-ok of G-Crypto, which won the CES (World Electronics Show) Best Innovation Award this year, at the Presidential Office Building in Yongsan, Seoul on the 2nd of last month. /yunhap news

zKVoting is currently available as a beta version of the mobile app and was used for small-scale voting such as the Hanyang University student council vote. The full version of the app will be available at the end of this month. CEO Oh said, "This technology is getting more attention as former President Donald Trump objected to the presidential election claiming fraudulent voting in the last US presidential election or when a vote manipulation incident occurred in an audition program." From officials to foreign broadcasting station PDs, they came to visit us at the CES exhibition and consulted.” Right after CES, zkrypto signed a contract to provide zKVoting to an American broadcaster preparing an audition program in which the winner is selected by viewer voting.

Representative Oh said, “If online voting is institutionalized, GCrypto can be applied more widely.” I hope,” he said.

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